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5 Tips to Get More Business from Facebook

(originally published on

5 Tips to Get More Business from Facebook
Are you tapping into the world's largest social networking site to get more for your business? Trulia makes it simple-now you can easily share your listings on Facebook with our free "Share on Facebook" link!

Facebook sharing is a quick and easy way to market your listings to all of your connections and clients. And, when someone on Facebook "likes" or "shares" your listing, the home is seen by prospective buyers that aren't in your network. Try sharing one of your listings today!

How to share your listings on Facebook:
  1. Go to your My Listings page on Trulia.
  2. Click on the "More Options" link next to the listing you want to share.
  3. Click on the "Share on Facebook" link.
  4. Add an optional message, share on Facebook, and encourage your network to "Like" your listing and re-post it on their walls.
Five tips to make Facebook work for you:
  1. Share your listings with your network on Facebook (detailed instructions provided below).
  2. Post open houses as events. Invite your contacts on Facebook and encourage them to invite their friends as well.
  3. Create a page about your business and generate fans!
  4. Add your work experience to your Facebook profile as well as links to your website and other marketing materials. Don't forget to link to your Trulia profile to showcase your gallery of listings and Trulia Voices activity.
  5. Share yourTrulia blog.

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Las Casas Realty, Inc.

Las Casas Realty, Inc.
Celebrating 32 Years of Excellence

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